Monday, October 29, 2012

BOOK 1- 16-6

Most importantly, his readiness to defer ungrudgingly to those with some special ability - it might be in literary expression, or the study of laws or customs or any other subject - and to give them his own active support to reach acknowledged eminence in their own specialities. Acting always in accordance with tradition, yet not making the perseverance of tradition an overt aim; further, no inkling for change and chance, but a settled habit in the same places and the same practices; to resume instantly after attacks of migraine, fresh again and vigorous for his usual work; not to keep many matters secret to himself, only a very few exceptional cases and those solely of state concern; sense and moderation in such things as the provision of such shows, contracting of public works, doles and distributions - the acts of a man with an eye for precisely what needs to be done, not the glory of its doing.

Friday, October 26, 2012

BOOK 1- 16-5

Further, his high regard for genuine philosophers - for the other sort he had no other hard words, but easily saw through them; sociability, too, and a sense of humour, not taken to excess; sensible care of his own body, neither vain nor valetudinarian but not neglectful either, so that his own attention to himself left very little need for doctors, doses, or applications.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

BOOK 1- 16-4

For those things which conduce to the comfort of life - and here fortune gave me plenty - to enjoy them without pride  or apology either, so no routine acceptance of their presence or regret in their absence; the fact that no one would ever describe him as a fraud or an impostor or a pedant, but rather as a man of mallow wisdom and mature experience, beyond flattery, able to take charge of his own and others' affairs.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

BOOK 1- 16

From my [adoptive] father: gentleness, and an immovable adherence to decisions made after full consideration; no vain taste for so called honours; stamina and perseverance; a ready ear for anyone with any proposal for the common good; to reward impartially, giving everyone their due; experience of where to tighten, where to relax; putting a stop to homosexual love of young men; a common courtesy, excusing his court of constant attendance at a dinner with him and the obligation to accompany him out of town, and those kept away by some other commitment always found him no different towards them, focused and persistent in deliberation in council, never satisfied with first impressions and leaving a question prematurely; the concern to keep his friends, with no extremes of surfeit or favouritism, his own master in all things, and serene with it; foresight for the longer issues and unfussy control of the least detail; the check he put in his reign on acclamations and all forms of flattery;  his constant watch on the needs of the empire, his stewardship of its resources and his tolerance of some people's criticism in this area; no superstitious fear of the gods, nor with men any populism or obsequious courting of the mob, but a sober steadfastness in all things, and nowhere any vulgar or newfangled taste.

Monday, October 22, 2012

BOOK 1- 15

From Maximus; self-mastery, immune to any passing whim; good cheer in all circumstances, including illness; a nice balance of character, both gentle and dignified; an uncomplaining energy for what needs to be done; the trust he inspired in everyone that he meant what he said and was well-intentioned in all that he did; proof against surprise or panic; in nothing either hurried or hesitant, never short of resource, never downcast or cringing, or on the other hand angry or suspicious; generosity in good works, and a forgiving and truthful nature; the impression he gave of undeviating rectitude  as a path chosen rather than enforced; the fact that no one would ever  have thought himself belittled by him, or presumed to consider himself superior  to him; and a pleasant humour.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

BOOK 1- 14

From Severus; love of family, love of truth,  love of justice; to have come by his help to understand Therasea, Helvidius, Cato, Dio, Brutus,; to have conceived the idea of a balanced constitution, a commonwealth based on equality and freedom of speech, and of a monarchy which values above all the liberty of the subject; from him, too, a constant and vigorous respect for philosophy; beneficence, unstinting generosity, optimism; for his confidence in the affection of his friends, his frankness with those who met with his censure, and open likes and dislikes, so that his friends did not need to guess at his wishes.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

BOOK 1- 13

From Catulus; not to spurn a friend's criticism, even if it may be an unreasonable complaint, but to try to restore his usual feelings; to speak of one's teacher's with wholehearted  gratitude, as is recorded of Domitius an Athenodotus; and a genuine love for children.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

BOOK 1- 12

From Alexander the Platonist: rarely, and never without essential cause, to say or write to anyone that 'I am too busy'; nor to use a similar excuse, advancing 'pressure of circumstances', in constant avoidance of the proprieties inherent in our relations to our fellows and contemporaries.

BOOK 1- 11

From Fronto: to understand the effect of suspicion, caprice and hypocrisy in the exercise of absolute rule; and that for the most part these people we call 'Patricians' are somewhat short of human affection.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

BOOK 1- 10

From Alexander the grammarian; not to leap on mistakes, or captiously interrupt when anyone makes an error of vocabulary, syntax, or pronunciation, but neatly to introduce the correct form of that particular expression by way of answer, confirmation, or discussion of the matter itself rather than its phrasing - or by some other such felicitous prompting.

Monday, October 15, 2012

BOOK 1- 9

From Sextus: a kindly disposition and the pattern of a household governed by the paterfamilias; the concept of life lived for his friends; an unaffected dignity; intuitive concern for his friends; tolerance both for the ordinary people and of the emptily opinionated; an agreeable manner with all, so that the pleasure of his conversation was greater than any flattery, and his very presence brought him the highest respect from all the company; certainty of grasp and method in the discovery and organizaton of   the essential principles of life; never to give the impression of anger or any other passion, but to combine complete freedom from passion with the greatest human affection; to praise without fanfare, and to wear great learning lightly.

BOOK 1- 8

From Apollonius; moral freedom, the certainty to ignore the dice of fortune, and have no other perspective, even for a moment, than that of reason alone; to be always the same man, unchanged in sudden pain, in the loss of a child, in lingering sickness; to see clearly in his living example that a man can combine intensity and relaxation; not be impatient in explanation; the observance of a man who clearly regarded as the least of his gifts his experience and skill in communicating his philosophical insights; the lesson of how to take apparent favours from one's friends, neither compromised by them nor insensitive in their rejection.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

BOOK 1- 7

From Rusticus: to grasp the idea of wanting correction and treatment for my character; not to be diverted into a taste for rhetoric, so not writing up my speculations, delivering my own little moral sermons, or presenting a glorified picture of the ascetic or the philanthropist; to keep clear of speechifying, versifying, and pretentious language; not to walk around at home in ceremonial dress, or do anything else like that; to write letters in an unaffected style, like his own letter written to my mother from Sinuessa; to be readily recalled to conciliation with those who have taken or given offense, just as soon as they themselves are willing to turn back; to read carefully, not satisfied with my own superficial thoughts or quick to accept the facile views of others; to have encountered the Discourses of Epictetus, to which he introduced me with his own copy.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

BOOK 1- 6

From Diognetus: to avoid empty enthusiasms; to disbelieve all that is talked by miracle-mongers and quacks about incantions, exorcism of demons, and the like; not to hold quail-fights or be excited by such sports; to tolerate plain speaking, to have an affinity for philosophy, and to attend the lectures first of Baccheius, then of Tandasis and Marcianus; to write essays from a young age; to love the camp-bed, the hide blanket, and all else in Greek training.

Friday, October 12, 2012

BOOK 1- 5

From my tutor: not to become a Green or Blue supporter at the races, or side with the Lights or Heavies at the amphitheatre; to tolerate pain and feel few needs; to work with my own hands and mind my own business; to be deaf to malicious gossip.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

BOOK 1- 4

From my great-grandfather: not to have attended schools for the public; to have had good teachers at home, and to realize that this is the sort of thing on which we should spend lavishly.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

BOOK 1- 3

From my mother: piety, generosity, the avoidance of wrong-doing and even the thought of it; also simplicity of living, well clear of the habits of the rich.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

BOOK 1- 2

From what they say and I remember of my natural father: integrity and manliness

Monday, October 8, 2012

BOOK 1- 1

From my grandfather Verus: decency and a mild temper.