Saturday, March 16, 2013

BOOK 5 -12

Here is a way to understand what sort of things the majority take to be 'goods'. If you think of the true goods, there are - wisdom, for example, self-control, justice, courage -with these in your mind you could not give any credence to the popular saying of 'too many goods to make room', because it will not apply. But bearing in mind what the majority see as goods you will hear and readily accept what the comic poet says as a fair comment. Even the majority can intuit the difference. Otherwise this saying would not cause offense and rejection, while at the same time we take it as a telling and witty comment on wealth and the privileges of luxury and fame. Go on, then, things which , when we have thought of them, would properly apply to their owner the saying, 'He is so rich, he has no room to shit.'

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